07 May 14

Here’s my .emacs file in all its unedited glory. May it be a light in your time of google searching or a darkness in your time of trying to understand how to configure emacs.

It’s also in a gist.

It’s a franken.emacs from lots of sources on the net. I’ve forgot them all, but almost none of this functionality originated with me and thus you should give your thanks to the anonymous internet. I wanted to document it for a while because it’s helpful when I switch to a new computer. It’s so messy that I put off documenting it. I’ve decided to share it anyways.
Features are

  • ctrl-x ctrl-o to switch between a .m, .mm, .c, .cpp file to corresponding .h file if it is nearby
  • ctrl-arrow to switch between multiple buffers/windows that you split horizontally or vertically (e.g. with ‘ctrl-x ctrl-3’
  • auto reverts when file changes on disk (e.g. when you git checkout) – note this can be a little dangerous, but I believe it doesn’t do this if you have local modifications
  • copy and paste works with os-x clipboard and vice-versa with your yank/copy/kill ring
  • other stuff